Journal Articles
* Corresponding Author. =Equally Contributed Authors. Thevamaran Lab Members.
45. Gupta A., Chawla K., Thevamaran R.* (2024): Embracing Nonlinearity and Geometry: A Dimensional Analysis-Guided Design of Shock-Absorbing Materials. submitted. arXiv Link.
44. Cai J., Chin K., Gupta A., Boydston AJ, Thevamaran R.* (2024): Overcoming stiffness-damping trade-off with structural gradients in 3D printed elastomeric gyroid lattices. submitted.
43. Griesbach C., Gerczak T., McKinney C., Zhang Y., Thevamaran R.* (2024): Irradiation-condition dependent mechanisms controlling buffer densification and fracture in TRISO nuclear fuel particles. Journal of Nuclear Materials. doi: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2024.155565. FIB/SEM tomography data in figshare
42. Liu N., Hu X., Cai J., Su R., Thevamaran R., Zhang H., Perepezko J., Szlufarska I.* (2024): Strain rate effects on the shear band formation in aluminum-samarium alloys. Acta Materialia. doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2024.120632.
41. Fang Y.=, Tuxbury W.=, Gupta A., Kottos T.*, Thevamaran R.* (2024): Damping Reveals Hidden Dimensions in Elastic Metastructures Through Induced Transparency. Physical Review Applied. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.21.054022
40. Griesbach C., Bronkhorst C., Thevamaran R.* (2024): Crystal plasticity simulations reveal cooperative plasticity mechanisms leading to enhanced strength and toughness in gradient nanostructured metals. Acta Materialia. doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2024.119835
39. Chawla K., Cai J., Thompson D., Thevamaran R.*(2023): Superior thermal transport properties of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes tailored through mesoscale architectures. Carbon. doi: 10.1016/j.carbon.2023.118526.
In Press: In quest to prevent debilitating TBIs, new foam material rises to the top
38. Chen R.=, Cai J.=, Chin K., Wang S., Boydston A.J., Thevamaran R.*, Gopalan P.* (2023): Block Copolymer Additives for Toughening 3D Printable Epoxy Resin. Giant (Invited article). doi: 10.1016/j.giant.2023.100204
37. Bhanugopan M., Chawla K., Thevamaran R.*(2023): Mitigating oblique impacts by unraveling of buckled carbon nanotubes in helmet liners. Experimental Mechanics. doi: 10.1007/s11340-023-01013-1.
In Press: In quest to prevent debilitating TBIs, new foam material rises to the top, New Atlas, Technology Networks,, AZO Materials, Labroots.
36. Lee S., Cai J., Jin S., Jin S., Konishi H., Zhang D., Barnard A., Thevamaran R., Xu H.*(2023): Investigation on shock metamorphism of anatase by supersonic microprojectile impact. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. doi: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.3c00057.
35. Chawla K.=, Gupta A.=, Thevamaran R.*(2023): Disrupting density-dependent property scaling in hierarchically architected foams. ACS Nano. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.3c01223
In Press: Discovery opens door to ultra-lightweight protective materials
34. Griesbach C., Cai J., Jeon S.J., Thevamaran R.*(2023): Orientation-dependent plasticity mechanisms control synergistic property improvement in dynamically deformed metals. International Journal of Plasticity. doi: 10.1016/j.ijplas.2023.103657.
33. Griesbach C., Cai J., Jeon S-J., Thevamaran R.* (2023): Synergistic strength and toughness through impact-induced nanostructural evolutions in metals. Extreme Mechanics Letters. doi: 10.1016/j.eml.2023.102037.
32. Gupta A., Thevamaran R.*:(2023): Requisites on viscoelasticity for exceptional points in passive non-Hermitian systems. Journal of Physics: Materials. (Invited article; Nominated for the Emerging Leaders 2023). doi: 10.1088/2515-7639/ace381. arXiv Link.
31. Cai J., Griesbach C., Ahnen S., Thevamaran R.* (2023): Dynamic hardness evolution in metals from impact-induced gradient dislocation density. Acta Materialia. doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2023.118807. arXiv Link.
30. Gupta A., Kurnosov A., Kottos T., Thevamaran R.* (2023): Reconfigurable enhancement of actuation forces by engineered losses in non-Hermitian metamaterials. Extreme Mechanics Letters. doi: 10.1016/j.eml.2023.101979. arXiv Link.
29. Fang Y., Kottos T., Thevamaran R.*(2022): Emergence of Exceptional Points in Periodic Metastructures with Hidden PT-symmetric Defects. Journal of Applied Mechanics. doi: 10.1115/1.4055618. arXiv Link.
28. Griesbach C., Gerczak T., Zhang Y., Thevamaran R.*(2022): Microstructural heterogeneity of the buffer layer of TRISO nuclear fuel particles. Journal of Nuclear Materials doi: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2022.154219. FIB-SEM Tomography Data.
27. Chawla K.=, Gupta A.=, Bhardwaj AS., Thevamaran R.* (2022): Superior mechanical properties by exploiting size-effects and multiscale interactions in hierarchically architected foams. Extreme Mechanics Letters. doi: 10.1016/j.eml.2022.101899. arXiv Link.
In Press: New carbon nanotube-based foam promises superior protection against concussions, On Wisconsin magazine, MRS Bulletin, ASME News, Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR), News 3 (Channel 3000), AAAS Eureka Alert,,,, Mirage News, Tech Explorist, New Atlas.
26. Kononchuk R., Cai J., Ellis F., Thevamaran R., Kottos T.* (2022): Exceptional point-based accelerometers with enhanced signal-to-noise ratio. Nature. doi:10.1038/s41586-022-04904-w. arXiv Link.
In Press: Signal Boost: Advance enables hypersensitive sensors.
25. Gupta A., Griesbach C., Cai J., Weigand S.J., Meshot E.R., Thevamaran R.* (2021): Origins of mechanical preconditioning in hierarchical nanofibrous materials. Extreme Mechanics Letters. doi: 10.1016/j.eml.2021.101576
24. Cai J., Griesbach C., Thevamaran R.* (2021): Enhanced dynamic performance of nanofiber mats under supersonic impacts mediated by interfacial hydrogen bonds. ACS Nano. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.1c07465
In Press: New lightweight super material can battle bullets, deflect space debris; On Wisconsin magazine; Spectrum News (TV-interview); Innovations in Textiles; Azonano; Nanowerk; New Atlas; Interesting Engineering;; Mirage News; Daily Geek Show, Science Times, Eureka Magazine, The Engineer.
23. Griesbach C., Jeon S-J, Rojas D.F., Ponga M., Yazdi S., Pathak S., Mara N., Thomas E.L., Thevamaran R.* (2021): Origins of size effects in initially dislocation-free single-crystal metallic micro- and nanocubes. Acta Materialia. doi: 10.1016/j.actamat.2021.117020. arXiv Link.
22. Fang Y., Kottos T., Thevamaran R.* (2021): A universal route for the emergence of exceptional points in PT-symmetric metamaterials with unfolding spectral symmetries. New Journal of Physics. doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/ac09c9 . arXiv Link
21. Hyon J., Lawal O., Thevamaran R., Song Y.E., Thomas E.L.* (2021): Extreme energy dissipation via material evolution in carbon nanotube mats. Advanced Science. doi: 10.1002/advs.202003142
20. Lee S. Cai J., Jin S., Zhang D., Thevamaran R., Xu H.* (2020): Coesite formation at low-pressure during supersonic micro projectile impact of opal. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. doi: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.0c00090
19. Cai J., Thevamaran R.* (2020): Superior energy dissipation by ultrathin semicrystalline polymer films under supersonic microprojectile impacts. Nano Letters. doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c00066. Nano Letters Cover
In Press: Shields up: Nanomaterial bests all others in blocking speeding projectiles;
18. Dominguez-Rocha V., Thevamaran R., Ellis F.*, Kottos T. (2020): Environmentally induced exceptional points in elastodynamics. Physical Review Applied. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.13.014060. arXiv Link.
17. Murgado D., Thevamaran R.* (2020): Independent control of dynamic material properties by exploiting structural hierarchy and intrinsic structural gradients. Materials Today Communications. doi: 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2019.100865.
16. Thevamaran R.*, Griesbach C., Yazdi S., Ponga M., Alimadadi H., Lawal O., Jeon S-J., Thomas E.L. (2020): Dynamic martensitic phase transformation in single-crystal silver microcubes, Acta Materialia,
15. Thevamaran R.*,=, Branscomb R.M.=, Makri E., Anzel P., Christodoulides D., Kottos T., Thomas E.L. (2019): Asymmetric acoustic energy transport in non-Hermitian metamaterials, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, doi:10.1121/1.5114919, arXiv Link.
14. Hyon J., Lawal O., Fried O., Thevamaran R., Yazdi S., Zhou M., Veysset D., Kooi S.E., Jiao Y., Hsiao M-S., Streit J., Vaia R.*, Thomas E.L.*, Extreme energy absorption in glassy polymer thin films by supersonic micro-projectile impact, Materials Today, 2018, doi:10.1016/j.mattod.2018.07.014.
In Press: Polystyrene makes an impact under fire
13. Scheffer V.C., Thevamaran R., Coluci V.R.*, Compressive response and deformation mechanisms of vertically aligned helical carbon nanotube forests, Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 112, pp.021902 1-5, doi: 10.1063/1.5008983.
12. Xue S., Fan Z., Lawal O., Thevamaran R., Li Q., Liu Y., Yu K.Y., Li Q., Wang J., Thomas E.L., Wang H., Zhang X.*, High velocity projectile impact induced 9R phase in ultrafine grained aluminum, Nature Communications, 2017, 8(1), pp.1653 1-9, doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01729-4.
In Press: Nanowerk, New Atlas, Green Car Congress.
11. Malak S.T., Liang G., Thevamaran R., Yoon Y.J., Smith M.J., Jung J., Lin C.H., Lin Z., Thomas E.L., Tsukruk V.V.*, High-resolution quantum dot photopatterning via interference lithography assisted microstamping, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121(24), pp.13370-13380, doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b03731.
10. Thevamaran R., Saini D., Karakaya M., Zhu J., Podila R., Rao A.M., Daraio C.*, Impact properties of carbon fiber reinforced bucky sponges, Nanotechnology, 2017, 28(18), 184002(pp.8), doi:10.1088/1361-6528/aa6904.
09. Thevamaran R.*, Lawal O., Yazdi S., Jeon S-J., Lee J-H., Thomas E.L.*, Dynamic creation and evolution of gradient nanostructure in single-crystal metallic micro-cubes, Science, 2016, 354(6310), pp.312-316, doi:10.1126/science.aag1768.
In Press: AAAS EurekaAlert, Futurity (Featured article and video), NanoTechWeb (UK Institute of Physics), Materials Today, (Spotlight News), Materials Gate, Controlled Environments,, Nanotechnology Now, R&D Magazine, ECN Magazine, Science Daily, MRS Bulletin, Rice University Press.
08. Jeon S-J., Yazdi S., Thevamaran R., Thomas E.L.*, Synthesis of monodisperse single crystalline Ag microcubes via seed-mediated growth, Crystal Growth & Design, 2016, 17(1), pp.284-289 doi:10.1021/acs.cgd.6b01523.
07. Thevamaran R., Raney J.R., Daraio C.*, Rate-sensitive strain localization and impact response of carbon nanotube foams with microscale heterogeneous bands, Carbon, 2016, 101, pp.184-190, doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2015.12.069.
06. Lattanzi L., Thevamaran R., De Nardo L., Daraio C.*, Dynamic behavior of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes with patterned microstructures, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2015, 17(10), pp.1470-1479, doi:10.1002/adem.201400571.
05. Thevamaran R., Karakaya M., Meshot E.R., Fisher A., Podila M., Rao A.M., Daraio C.*, Anomalous impact and strain responses in helical carbon nanotube foams, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, pp.29306-29311, doi:10.1039/C5RA03561A.
04. Thevamaran R., Meshot E.R., Daraio C.*, Shock formation and rate effects in impacted carbon nanotube foams, Carbon, 2015, 84, pp.390-398, doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2014.12.006.
03. Karakaya M., Saini D., Podila R., Skove M.J., Rao A.M.*, Thevamaran R., Daraio C., Self-assembled recyclable hierarchical bucky aerogels, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2014, 17(7), pp.990-994, doi:10.1002/adem.201400414.
02. Thevamaran R., Fraternali F., Daraio C.*, Multi-scale mass-spring model for high-rate compression of vertically aligned carbon nanotube foams, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2014, 81(12), pp.121006-1-6, doi:10.1115/1.4028785.
01. Thevamaran R., Daraio C.*, An experimental technique for dynamic characterization of soft complex materials, Experimental Mechanics, 2014, 54 (8), pp.1319-1328, doi:10.1007/s11340-014-9896-9.
Intellectual Properties (Patents)
3. Chawla K., Gupta A., Thevamaran R. (2022): Architected carbon nanotube foams and methods of making same. (63/402719 filed on 08/31/2023; three related disclosures combined)
2. Kononchuk R., Cai J., Ellis F., Thevamaran R., Kottos T. (2022): Electromechanical force sensor based on extrema degeneracy point with nonlinear response. (17/681320 filed on 02/25/2022)
1. Cai J., Thevamaran R. (2021): Carbon based composite materials with enhanced dynamic performance. (17/516113 filed on 11/01/2021)
Research Theses
Doctoral Theses
Abhishek Gupta (2024): Engineered Damping: From mitigating impacts through hierarchical structured materials to enhancing actuation forces via non-Hermitian metamaterials. PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Yanghao Fang (2024): Predicting and controlling the emergence of exceptional points in PT-symmetric elastodynamic metastructures, PhD in Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Claire Griesbach (2023): The microstructural evolutions and mechanical behavior of materials in the extreme environments of high-velocity impact and irradiation, PhD in Engineering Mechanics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Ramathasan Thevamaran (2015): Rate and microstructure effects on the dynamics of carbon nanotube foams, PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, California Institute of Technology. Link.
Master’s Theses
Kyle Seledic (2022): Superdamping through collective elastodynamics, Master of Science in Engineering Mechanics, Department of Engineering Physics, College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Melissa Schmidt-Landin (2022): Towards the realization of Parity-Time symmetry in elastodynamic systems, Master of Science in Engineering Mechanics, Department of Engineering Physics, College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Claire Griesbach (2019): Quasi-static and high-velocity impact deformations of single-crystal silver microcubes, Master of Science in Engineering Mechanics, Department of Engineering Physics, College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
David Murgado (2019): Tunable dynamic properties of vertically aligned carbon nanotube foams, Master of Science in Engineering Mechanics, Department of Engineering Physics, College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Undergraduate Honors Theses
Jiayan Zhang (2024): Non-Hermitian mechanical metamaterials, Engineering Mechanics Honors Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Nicholas Jaegersberg (2023): Scaling-laws governing the micro to macro projectile impact testing of polymers, Engineering Physics Honors Thesis, Department of Engineering Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Plenary Lectures/Invited Keynotes/Technical Talks/Seminars
32. “Engineered Damping: From impact mitigation to enhanced actuation,” Mechanics Seminar. Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Texas – Austin, Austin, TX, Mar 2024.
31. “Engineered Damping: From impact mitigation to enhanced actuation,” Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Seminar, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California – Los Angeles, CA, Mar 2024.
30. “Engineered Damping: From impact mitigation to enhanced actuation,” Mechanics and Materials Seminar, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California – San Diego, CA, Mar 2024.
29. Keynote: “Improved mechanical performance through gradient plasticity in nanostructured metals.” International Conference on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture (Plasticity 2024), Panama City, Panama, Jan 2024.
28. Plenary Lecture: “A Space-Time Odyssey: Taming exceptional points for sensitivity and emissivity enhancement”, VIII Leopoldo GarcÅLıa–ColÅLın Mexican Meeting on Mathematical and Experimental Physics, Mexico City, Oct 2023.
27. “Rate independent dissipation and triboelastic Payne effect in hierarchical fibrous materials”, Symposium on Advances in Multiscale Modeling and Machine Learning in Nanomechanics, 2023 Annual Technical Meeting, Society of Engineering Science (SES), Twin Cities, MN, Oct 2023.
26. “Engineered Damping: From impact mitigation to enhanced actuation,” Mechanics Seminar. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, Sep 2023.
25. Keynote: “Designing Engineered Materials with Superior Mechanical Properties by Exploiting Structural Mechanics Principles.”, Annual Technical Session of the Society of Structural Engineers Sri Lanka, Aug 2023.
24. “Hierarchically Tailorable Composites with Extreme Thermo-mechanical Properties for Dimensionally Stable Space Structures”, Early Career Faculty Seminar, Advanced Materials and Processing Branch, NASA Langley Research Center, Jul 2023.
23. “Non-Hermitian elastodynamic metamaterials”, 6th International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials/Metasurfaces, Phonon Transport, and Topological Phononics (Phononics 2023), Manchester, United Kingdom, Jun 2023.
22. “Microballistics: From superior energy absorption in nanofibrous materials to creation of heterogeneous nanostructures in metals”, Mechanical Engineering Seminar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, Apr 2023.
21. “Microballistics: From superior energy absorption in nanofibrous materials to creation of heterogeneous nanostructures in metals”, Applied Mechanics Seminar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Canada, Apr 2023.
20. “Dynamic performance of polymer nanofiber mats under supersonic impacts”, Symposium on Transcending Nature in the Design of Polymer Hybrid Materials for Structural Applications: Advances in Experiments, Simulations, and AI Based Design, 2023 ACS Spring Meeting, American Chemical Society (ACS), Indianapolis, IN, Mar 2023.
19. “An Ally in Dissipation: From Effective Impact Mitigation to Enhanced Actuation through Engineered Dissipation”, Mechanical Engineering Departmental Seminar, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, MN, Mar 2023.
18. “Microballistics: From superior energy absorption in nanofibrous materials to creation of nanostructured metals”, Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute (HEMI) Seminar, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, Feb 2023.
17. Keynote: “Dynamic creation of nanostructures in metals with synergistically enhanced strength, hardness, and toughness.” International Conference on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture (Plasticity 2023), Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, Jan 2023.
16. “Laser induced micro-projectile impact testing: From superior energy absorption in nanofibrous materials to creation of nanostructured metals”, Department of Mechanical Engineering Seminar, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, December 2022.
15. “An Ally in Dissipation: From Effective Impact Mitigation to Enhanced Actuation through Engineered Dissipation”, Science for Protection of Engineered Environments (SPREE) Seminar Series, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, Oct 2022.
14. Synergistic improvement of mechanical properties through impact-induced nanostructural evolution in silver single crystals, Symposium on Multiscale Extreme Behavior of Materials: Structure, Mechanisms, and Kinetic Process, 2022 Annual Technical Meeting, Society of Engineering Science (SES), College Station, TX, October 2022.
13. “Enhanced Mechanical Properties by Engineered Carbon Nanotube Materials”, Civil Engineering Seminar (presented virtually), Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT), Sri Lanka. Aug 2022.
12. “Enhanced Mechanical Properties by Engineered Carbon Nanotube Materials”, Guadalupe Workshop X: Nucleation and Growth Mechanisms of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory, Honda, Rice University, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. May 2022.
11. “An Ally in Dissipation: From Effective Impact Mitigation to Enhanced Emissivity via Engineered Dissipation”, Mechanics Seminar, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, Oct 2021.
10. “Microballistics: Dynamic Creation of Nanostructures in Metals to Engineering Energy Dissipation in Nanostructured Materials!”, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering and Sciences–A Multi-University Webinar by University of Michigan, Purdue University, UCLA, Texas A&M, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Minnesota, University of Maryland, and Penn State. Oct 2020.
09. “Microballistics: Dynamic Creation of Nanostructures in Metals to Engineering Energy Dissipation in Nanostructured Materials!”, Mechanical Engineering Seminar, Indian Institute of Science (IISc) – Bangalore, India, Sep 2020. (Presented Virtually).
08. “Gradient-nano-grained structure and phase transformations via high-velocity impact of metallic microcubes”, International Conference on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture (Plasticity 2020): Symposium on physics and mechanics of metallic material interfaces. Rivera Maya, Mexico, Jan 2020.
07. “Microballistics: From martensitic phase transformation in metals to superior energy dissipation in ultrathin polymer films”, School of Engineering Research Seminar: Center for Material Innovation and Future Fashion (CMIFF), RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, Dec 2019.
06. “Controlling acoustic waves with non-Hermitian metamaterials,” AmeriMech 2019: Topical symposium on nonreciprocal and topological wave phenomena. University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, May 2019.
05. “Gradient microstructures for synergistic improvement of mechanical properties of metals”, Solid Mechanics Seminar, Laboratoire de Mechanique des Solides – CNRS – Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, Oct 2018.
04. “Hierarchical and gradient microstructures for controlling mechanical properties”, MSE900: Materials Science and Engineering Seminar, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin, WI, Mar 2018.
03. “Engineering nano/microstructure of metals via high-velocity impact”, Grainger Institute Early Career Seminar, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin, WI, Nov 2017.
02. “Structured materials for controlling mechanical waves”, Physics Colloquium, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, Oct 2017.
01. “Structured materials for controlling mechanical waves”, Engineering Physics Seminar, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, Oct 2017.
* Presenting Author. Thevamaran Lab Members.
78. Masri A.*, Zhang Y., Rezwan A., Griesbach C., Thevamaran R., Gerczak T., Jiang W., Effects of heterogeneous porosity on buffer layer fracture mode, Symposium on Accelerated Qualification of Nuclear Materials Integrating Experiments, Modeling, and Theories, 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, CA, March 2024.
77. Gerczak T.J.*, Helmreich G.W., Griesbach C., Schappel D., Arregui-Mena J.D., Thevamaran R., Hunn J.D., Internal restructuring of TRISO fuel layers during irradiation, Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES), American Nuclear Society, December 2023.
76. Jaegersberg N.*, Cai J., Thevamaran R., Geometric scaling rules associated with the microparticle impact testing of materials, 2023 Annual Technical Meeting, Society of Engineering Science (SES), Minneapolis, MN, October 2023.
75. Gupta A.*, Chawla K., Bhanugopan M., Thevamaran R., Conflict between strain recovery and damping capacity in VACNT foams, 2023 Annual Technical Meeting, Society of Engineering Science (SES), Minneapolis, MN, October 2023.
74. Gupta A., Bhanugopan M., Chawla K., Thevamaran R.*, Rate independent dissipation and Triboelastic Payne effect in hierarchical fibrous materials, 2023 Annual Technical Meeting, Society of Engineering Science (SES), Minneapolis, MN, October 2023.
73. Chawla K.*, Gupta A., Thevamaran R., Effect of hierarchical order on mechanical properties of architected carbon nanotube foams, 2023 Annual Technical Meeting, Society of Engineering Science (SES), Minneapolis, MN, October 2023.
72. Bhanugopan M.*, Chawla K., Thevamaran R., Managing impact-induced rotational kinetic energy through unravelling of collectively buckled VACNT foams, 2023 Annual Technical Meeting, Society of Engineering Science (SES), Minneapolis, MN, October 2023.
71. Fang Y.*, Tuxbury W., Kottos T., Thevamaran R., Transmission Revival by Symmetry Violation in Non-Hermitian Systems, 2023 Annual Technical Meeting, Society of Engineering Science (SES), Minneapolis, MN, October 2023.
70. Griesbach C., Bronkhorst C.A., Thevamaran R.*, Improved mechanical performance elicited through gradient plasticity, 2023 Annual Technical Meeting, Society of Engineering Science (SES), Minneapolis, MN, October 2023.
69. Gupta A., Kurnosov A., Kottos T.,Thevamaran R.*, Non-Hermitian elastodynamic metamaterials, 6thInternational Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials/Metasurfaces, Phonon Transport, and Topological Phononics (Phononics 2023), Manchester, England, June 2023.
68. Chawla K.*, Gupta A., Thevamaran R.: Lightweight concentric cylindrically architected vertically aligned carbon nanotube foams with tailored mechanical properties, 2023 Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Orlando, FL, June 2023.
67. Gupta A.*, Bhanugopan M., Jaegersberg N., Thevamaran R.: Rate-independent Triboelastic Payne effect in vertically aligned carbon nanotube foams, 2023 Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Orlando, FL, June 2023.
66. Bhanugopan M.*, Chawla K., Thevamaran R.: Understanding the coupled compression-shear response of VACNT foams, 2023 Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Orlando, FL, June 2023.
65. Cai J.*, Ahluwalia B., Thevamaran R.: Mechanics of co-continuous foam-based composite with continuously graded gyroid backbones, 2023 Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Orlando, FL, June 2023.
64. Cai J.*, Naraghi M., Thevamaran R.: Dynamic performance of polymer nanofiber mats under supersonic impacts, 2023 Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Orlando, FL, June 2023.
63. Cai J., Naraghi M., Thevamaran R.*: Dynamic performance of polymer nanofiber mats under supersonic impacts, Symposium on Transcending Nature in the Design of Polymer Hybrid Materials for Structural Applications: Advances in Experiments, Simulations, and AI Based Design, 2023 ACS Spring Meeting, American Chemical Society (ACS), Indianapolis, IN, March 2023.
62. Zhang Y.*, Rezwan A., Griesbach C., Thevamaran R., Jiang W., Gerczak T., Ahmed K.: Correlating heterogeneous pore distribution with stochastic fracture in the pyrocarbon buffer layer in TRISO fuel particles, Symposium on Composite Materials for Nuclear Applications II, 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, CA, March 2023.
61. Griesbach C., Cai J., Thevamaran R.*: Synergistic improvement of mechanical properties through impact-induced nanostructural evolution in silver single crystals, 2022 Annual Technical Meeting, Society of Engineering Science (SES), College Station, TX, October 2022.
60. Cai J.*, Jaegersberg N., Thevamaran R.: Extreme Dynamic Performance of Nanofiber Mats under Supersonic Impacts Mediated by Interfacial Hydrogen Bonds, 2022 Annual Technical Meeting, Society of Engineering Science (SES), College Station, TX, October 2022 (Poster)
59. Gupta A., Kurnosov A., Kottos T., Thevamaran R.*: Enhanced actuation near exceptional points by non-Hermitian metamaterials with engineered losses, 2022 Annual Technical Meeting, Society of Engineering Science (SES), College Station, TX, October 2022.
58. Gupta A.*, Kurnosov A., Kottos T., Thevamaran R.: Boosting the Purcell Enhancement Factor near an Exceptional Point in a non-Hermitian Elastodynamic Metamaterial, 2022 Annual Technical Meeting, Society of Engineering Science (SES), College Station, TX, October 2022. (Poster).
57. Fang Y.*, Kottos T., Thevamaran R.: Mechanical Wave Propagation in Periodic Metastructures with PT-symmetric Defects, 2022 Annual Technical Meeting, Society of Engineering Science (SES), College Station, TX, October 2022
56. Cai J.*, Naraghi M., Thevamaran R.: Dynamic Mechanical Performances of Polymeric Nanofiber Mat under Supersonic Impact, 2022 Annual Technical Meeting, Society of Engineering Science (SES), College Station, TX, October 2022
55. Griesbach C.*, Gerczak T., Rezwan A., Abdoelatef M., Ahmed K., Jiang W., Zhang Y., Thevamaran R.: Heterogeneous distribution of buffer porosity and its effect on buffer fracture in TRISO particles under irradiation, 6th Workshop on Material Properties of TRISO Fuels, Aix-en-Provence and CEA Cadarache, France, October 2022.
54. Griesbach C.*, Cai J., Thevamaran R.: The nanostructural evolution of single crystal silver substrates through microprojectile impact, Symposium on Microprojectile Impact Testing of Emerging Materials, 19th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, June 2022
53. Cai J.*, Jaegersberg N., Thevamaran R.: Microballistic Performance of Carbon Nanotube Mats with Inter-tube Interfaces Toughened by Polymers, Symposium on Microprojectile Impact Testing of Emerging Materials, 19thU.S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, June 2022.
52. Griesbach C.*, Cai J., Thevamaran R.: Impact-induced nanostructural evolutions of silver single crystals lead to improved mechanical properties, Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics, June 2022.
51. Gupta A. *, Griesbach C., Cai J., Weigand S.J., Meshot E.R., and Thevamaran R.:Origins of preconditioning in hierarchical fibrous materials, Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics, June 2022.
50. Cai J.*, Jaegersberg N., Thevamaran R.: Dynamic Behavior of Polymer-toughened Carbon Nanotube Mats under Supersonic Microprojectile Impacts, Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics, June 2022.
49. Chawla K. *, Thevamaran R.: Achieving high specific energy absorption via exploiting nanoscale interactions in architected vertically aligned carbon nanotube foams,
Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics, June 2022.
48. Gupta A.*, Griesbach C., Cai J., Weigand S.J., Meshot E.R., Thevamaran R.: Origins of mechanical preconditioning in nanofibrous materials, Guadalupe Workshop X: Nucleation and Growth Mechanisms of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, Bandera, TX, May 2022 (Poster).
47. Cai J.*, Thevamaran R.: Enhanced dynamic performance of nanofiber mats under supersonic impacts mediated by interfacial hydrogen bonds, Guadalupe Workshop X: Nucleation and Growth Mechanisms of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, Bandera, TX, May 2022 (Poster).
46. Chawla K.*, Gupta A., Bhardwaj A., Thevamaran R.: Architected vertically aligned carbon nanotube foams with high specific energy absorption and high specific modulus for protective applications, Guadalupe Workshop X: Nucleation and Growth Mechanisms of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, Bandera, TX, May 2022 (Poster).
45. Abdoelatef MG.*, Griesbach C., Sridharan K., Thevamaran R., Tyler G., Jiang W., Ahmed K.: Mesoscale modeling of the relationships between microstructure and mechanical properties in the porous pyrocarbon buffer layer for TRISO particle fuel. Symposium on Mechanical Behavior and Degradation of Advanced Nuclear Fuel and Structural Materials, 2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, February 2022.
44. Griesbach C.*, Cai J., Thevamaran R.: Breaking the strength-toughness barrier through impact-induced recrystallization of single-crystal silver microcubes, Symposium on Ultrafine-grained and Heterostructured Materials (UFGH XII), 2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, February 2022.
43. Griesbach C.*, Gerczak T., Sridharan K., Zhang Y.,Thevamaran R.: Microstructural characterization of the porous pyrocarbon buffer layer in TRISO fuel particles, Symposium on Advanced Characterization and Modeling of Nuclear Fuels: Microstructure, Thermo-physical Properties, 2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, February 2022.
42. Zhang Y.*, Griesbach C., Thevamaran R., Sridharan K., Gerczak T., Jiang W., Ahmed K.: Correlating atomic scale microstructure with mechanical properties in low-density pyrocarbon used in TRISO particle fuel buffer layer, Symposium on Advanced Characterization and Modeling of Nuclear Fuels: Microstructure, Thermo-physical Properties, 2022 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, February 2022.
41. Cai J.*, Thevamaran R.: Microballistic performance of carbon nanotube mats with tailored intertube interactions, IMECE International Mechanical Engineering Virtual Congress & Exposition, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), November 2021.
40. Kononchuk R., Gupta A., Kurnosov A., Cai J., Ellis F., Thevamaran R., Kottos T.*: Exceptional point degeneracies in micromechanical structures, 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals, and Plasmonics, July 2021.
39. Cai J.*, Naraghi M., Thevamaran R.: Dynamic mechanical performance of polymeric nanofiber mats under microballistic impacts,
Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics, June 2021.
38. Fang Y., Kottos T., Thevamaran R.*: Emergence of Exceptional Points in PT-Symmetric Fractal Elastodynamic Metamaterials, IMECE International Mechanical Engineering Virtual Congress & Exposition, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), November 2020.
37. Griesbach C.*, Thevamaran R.: Strength and Toughness of Gradient Nano-Grained Silver Created via High-Velocity Impact of Single-Crystal Silver Microcubes. Virtual XIV International Congress, Society for Experimental Mechanics, September 2020.
36. Cai J.*, Thevamaran R.: Superior Energy Dissipation by Nanoscale Semi-crystalline Polymer Films Under High-speed Micro-Projectile Impacts. “2019 MRS Fall Meeting,” Materials Research Society, Boston, MA, USA, December 2019.
35. Griesbach C.*, Thevamaran R.: High-velocity impact induced gradient-nano-grained structure and phase transformation. “2019 MRS Fall Meeting,” Materials Research Society, Boston, MA, USA, December 2019 (Poster).
34. Fang Y.*, Kottos T., Thevamaran R.: PT-symmetric fractal architectures for controlling mechanical wave propagation. 56thAnnual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES 2019), St. Louis, MO, October 2019.
33. Murgado D.*, Thevamaran R.: Nonlinearly tunable linear dynamic response of vertically aligned carbon nanotube foams. 56thAnnual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES 2019), St. Louis, MO, October 2019.
32. Griesbach C.*, Thevamaran R.: Size-effects in single-crystal silver nanocubes. 56thAnnual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES 2019), St. Louis, MO, October 2019.
31. Cai J.*, Hossain S., Thevamaran R.: Size dependent mechanical behavior of semi-crystalline polymer thinfilms under high-speed microprojectile impacts. 56thAnnual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES 2019), St. Louis, MO, October 2019.
30. Dominguez-Rocha V., Thevamaran R., Ellis F., Kottos T.*: Controlling the formation of exceptional point degeneracies via engineered environment. 56thAnnual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES 2019), St. Louis, MO, October 2019.
29. Murgado D.*, Thevamaran R., Highly tunable dynamic response of vertically aligned carbon nanotube foams, Michael Sutton International Student Paper Competition, 2019 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Reno, NV, June 2019.
28. Murgado D.*, Thevamaran R.: Highly tunable dynamic response of vertically aligned carbon nanotube foams, Challenges in Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials. 2019 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics (Society for Experimental Mechanics), Reno, NV, June 2019.
27. Griesbach C.*, Thevamaran R.: Probing the size effects in metals using in situ SEM microcompressions. “Microscopy and Microanalysis 2019,” Midwest Microscopy and Microanalysis Society, Madison, WI, May 2019.
26. Murgado D.*, Thevamaran R., Highly tunable dynamic response of vertically aligned carbon nanotube foams, Challenges in Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, 2019 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Reno, NV, June 2019.
25. Lawal O., Hyon J.*, Thevamaran R., Thomas E.L., Microballistic deformation behavior of carbon nanotube mats, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, APS March Meeting, Boston, MA, March 2019.
24. Thevamaran R.*, Branscomb R.M., Christodoulides D., Kottos T., Thomas E.L., Asymmetric acoustic wave propagation in non-Hermitian metamaterials, 55th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Madrid, Spain, Oct 2018.
23. Thevamaran R.*, Yazdi S., Ponga M., Lawal O., Jeon S-J., Thomas E.L., Phase transformation in single-crystal silver microcubes during high-velocity impact, 2018 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Greenville, SC, USA, Jun 2018.
22. Thomas E.L.*, Hyon J., Lawal O., Fried O., Thevamaran R., Yazdi S., Zhao M., Veysset D., Kooi S., Jiao Y., Hsiao M-S., Streit J., Vaia R., Extreme plastic deformation of glassy polymer thin films at ballistic strain rates, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Mar 2018.
21. Lawal O., Fried O., Thevamaran R.*, Thomas E.L., Dynamic deformation of the assembly of polymer grafted nanoparticles, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2017), American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Tampa, FL, USA, Nov 2017.
20. Thevamaran R.*, Pathak S., Yazdi S., Jeon S-J., Lawal O., Mara N., Thomas E.L., Size effects in single-crystal metallic micro- and nanocubes, 2017 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Indianapolis, IN, USA, Jun 2017.
19. Thevamaran R.*, Lawal O., Yazdi S., Jeon S-J., Thomas E.L., Engineering nano/microstructure of metals via high-velocity impact, 2016 MRS Fall Meeting, Materials Research Society, Boston, MA, USA, Nov 2016.
18. Thevamaran R.*, Lawal O., Yazdi S., Jeon S-J., Thomas E.L., Dynamic behavior of single crystalline silver microcubes, 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2016), Montreal, Canada, Aug 2016.
17. Thevamaran R.*, Dynamics of hierarchical materials, British Society for Strain Measurement – Young Stress Analyst Competition, International Congress on Experimental Mechanics, European Society for Experimental Mechanics, University of Cambridge, UK, Jul 2014.
16. Thevamaran R., Saini D.*, Karakaya M., Podila R., Rao A.M., Daraio C., Impact response of helically coiled carbon nanotube foams, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, APS March Meeting, Denver, CO, USA, Mar 2014.
15. Thevamaran R., Saini D.*, Karakaya M., Podila R., Rao A.M., Daraio C., Static and dynamic response of bucky sponges, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, APS March Meeting, Denver, CO, USA, Mar 2014.
14. Thevamaran R.*, Lattanzi L., Daraio C., Nonlinear non-affine deformation behavior of vertically aligned carbon nanotube structures subjected to impact loadings, 2013 MRS Fall Meeting, Materials Research Society, Boston, MA, USA, Dec 2013.
13. Thevamaran R.*, Lattanzi L., Daraio C., Dynamic behavior of micro-architectures of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes, 4th Canadian Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics (CanCNSM 2013), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Jul 2013.
12. Thevamaran R.*, Daraio C., Dynamics of vertically aligned carbon nanotube foams, Materials Research Center Graduate Symposium, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Jun 2013 (Poster).
11. Thevamaran R.*, Daraio C., Dynamic characterization of vertically aligned carbon nanotube foams, 2013 SEM XIII International Congress & Exposition on Experimental & Applied Mechanics, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Chicago, IL, USA, Jun 2013.
10. Thevamaran R.*, Yamamoto N., Daraio C., Wave propagation in multilayered structures composed of carbon nanotubes and rigid interlayers under small velocity impacts, 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2012), Beijing, China, Aug 2012.
09. Thevamaran R.*, Daraio C., Dynamics of multilayered structures of VACNTs with metallic inter-layers, Dynamic Behavior of Materials: Volume I, Proceedings of the 2012 SEM XII International Congress & Exposition on Experimental & Applied Mechanics, Costa Mesa, CA, USA, Jun 2012.
08. Yamamoto N.*, Thevamaran R., Daraio C., Dynamic behavior of periodic structures consisting of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes and rigid interlayer, 53rd Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials and Co-located Conferences, American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics, Honolulu, HI, Apr 2012.
07. Raney J.R.*, Thevamaran R.*, Daraio C., Hierarchical carbon nanotube architectures for mechanical energy absorption, 2012 Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies (ICB) Army – Industry Collaboration Conference, Santa Barbara, California, Feb 2012 (Poster).
06. Raney J.R.*, Misra A., Thevamaran R.*, Daraio C., Tailored deformation in hierarchical carbon nanotube structures, 2011 Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies (ICB) Army – Industry Collaboration Conference, Santa Barbara, California, Feb 2011 (Poster).
05. Illeperuma W.R.K.*, Senthuran U., Thevamaran R., Ranaweera M.P., Herath K.R.B., Multi axial behaviour of carbon nanotubes, Peradeniya University Research Session (PURSE), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Dec 2008.
04. Thevamaran R.*, Illeperuma W.R.K., Senthuran U., Ranaweera M.P., Herath K.R.B., On the anisotropy of carbon nanotubes, International conference on advances in continuum mechanics, materials science, nanoscience and nanotechnology, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Sep 2008.
03. Illeperuma W.R.K.*, Senthuran U., Thevamaran R., Ranaweera M.P., Herath K.R.B., Anisotropic elastic properties of graphene, International conference on advances in continuum mechanics, materials science, nanoscience and nanotechnology, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Sep 2008.
02. Herath S.R.*, Thevamaran R., Illeperuma W.R.K., Ranaweera M.P., Herath K.R.B., Radial properties of carbon nanotubes, International conference on advances in continuum mechanics, materials science, nanoscience and nanotechnology, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Sep 2008.
01. Thevamaran R.*, Senthuran U., Illeperuma W.R.K., Ranaweera M.P., Herath K.R.B., Mechanics of Nano-structures, Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Asia – International Exchange Symposium, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Sep 2008.