Congratulations to Abhishek Gupta and our Wesleyan Collaborators Prof. Tsampikos Kottos and Dr. Arkady Kurnosov for this exciting work. Read the news story about this work here:
Month: March 2023
Our study on architected VACNT foams is highlighted in ASME news
An interview with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers features our work on the architected VACNT foams for traumatic injury prevention.
Our recent study on architected carbon nanotube foams has been featured in MRS Bulletin
Our study that was published in Extreme Mechanics Letters has now been featured in the January issue of MRS Bulletin.
Our study featured in On Wisconsin Magazine
Our study on architected vertically aligned carbon nanotube foams has been featured in the Spring Issue of the “On Wisconsin” magazine. On Wisconsin magazine is printed quarterly and mailed to nearly 400,000 homes. In print …